Friday, 30 September 2011

South Students Join B-Team Rock Climbing Club | The Optimist

Most teenagers choose to play team sports like volleyball, basketball and football; however, rocking climbing has grown to be a popular trend among Bloomington South high school students.

Last year, Hoosier Heights began a year-round youth rock climbing team called the B-Team, and from what started out as ten climbers in the fall of 2010 has recently expanded to 16 climbers. This team is open to those ten to 18 years of age who want to improve their climbing abilities and show off their progress at competitions. The practices are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Hoosier Heights Indoor Climbing Facility, though the climbers are encouraged to climb in their free time as well.

A usual practice for the team consists of a 10 minute warm-up where they climb two easy routes in the top off room, a stretching session to loosen up their muscles, a hour of climbing, a workout that usually consists of strength or endurance tests like pull ups, and then finishing off with about ten minutes of push-ups and sit ups.

Evelyn Rehrey, a junior at South and a new addition to the B-Team, said climbing ?builds a lot of muscle and it?s really good for you. It?s a fun workout and you meet a lot of people who have really positive attitudes.?

Bouldering is a competitive sport late summer to mid-winter where you complete ?boulder problems? without a rope or harness; generally the boulder problems are not too high off of the ground in order to prevent injuries. From spring to early summer climbers can compete during the top-roping season where you have a harness (a belt worn to keep climbers secure in the air) and belayer (a climbing partner who makes sure that the climber doesn?t fall by adding and removing slack from the rope being used).

Rebecca Garcia, a junior at South, has been climbing for nearly 13 months and prefers top rope and lead climbing opposed to bouldering. ?They?re better because you have longer routes and you get more opportunity to improve your technique,? said Garcia.

However, South sophomore Jamil Moore, who has been climbing for about eight months, says he likes ?doing boulder numbers because it?s a better test of strength and technique.?

The B-Team competes four to five times each year, having about two to three competitions each season. During a competition, both sport climbing and bouldering, climbers can gain points depending on the difficulty of the routes they climb and the time that they complete them in. Those who gain the highest number of points are placed first in the division. The competitions are held at various gyms ranging from Hoosier Heights to climbing gyms in Cincinnati.

?A competition depends on the gym and where it is at. At Hoosier Heights it?s really laidback and fun because A. It?s our home gym and B. Everyone is just nicer to each other,? commented Garcia.

Madi Taylor

Staff Writer


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Thursday, 29 September 2011

Analysis: Auditor defense may have holes in Deloitte case (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? A favorite defense of auditors against securities lawsuits may have some holes when applied to a massive case against Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd stemming from the subprime mortgage crisis.

The world's largest accounting and consulting firm, Deloitte on Monday was accused of failing to detect fraud during its audits of Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp, one of the biggest private mortgage firms to collapse during the U.S. housing crash.

The complaints were brought by a trustee overseeing Taylor Bean's bankruptcy and one of the company's subsidiaries in a Miami Circuit Court, claiming a combined $7.6 billion in losses.

"It's always difficult to believe that an auditor that's been auditing for seven years or more during an alleged ongoing fraud had no red flags," said Andrea Kim, a partner at Diamond McCarthy LLP in Houston.

The lawsuit is just the latest of a spate of troubles for Deloitte and the other big four auditors -- Ernst & Young, KPMG and PwC. They also face a threat to their business model as the European Commission mulls a plan to force them to split off their consulting business and rotate clients.

Auditors have been favorite targets of plaintiffs trying to recoup money lost on alleged frauds during the global financial meltdown, though such cases have run up against an array of legal hurdles, with many being dismissed or settled for relatively small amounts.

Plaintiffs' lawyers have argued that as gatekeepers, auditors have a duty to be vigilant at rooting out fraud.


"If they see something they need to report it," said Jacob Zamansky, founder of Zamansky & Associates, a law firm specializing in securities fraud. "If they consciously ignore red flags, they could be held responsible as an aider or abettor to the fraud."

A key defense is the so-called "in pari delicto," or equal fault principle, used when a company being audited was equally to blame for wrongdoing.

"It is very fast becoming a law of this nation, which is a tremendous protection for the Big Four," said Kim of Diamond McCarthy.

However, Steven Thomas, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said his case rests on solid legal ground. He said that a key bankruptcy decision holds that under Florida law, the in pari delicto defense does not apply in cases in which the auditor has a duty to detect fraud and in which there were innocent board members who could have been alerted about the fraud.

"They (Deloitte) had a public duty to detect the fraud," Thomas said. "They didn't do their job, and that's what we're going to prove."

Jonathan Gandal, a spokesman for Deloitte, said on Monday the plaintiffs in the case were "companies through which convicted felon Lee Farkas and his co-conspirators committed their crimes."

Lee Farkas, the former chairman of Taylor, Bean and Whitaker, was sentenced to 30 years in prison in April for his role in the bank fraud.

"The bizarre notion that his engines of theft are entitled to complain of injury from their own crimes and to sue the outside auditors they lied to defies common sense, not to mention the law," he said in a statement.

The in pari delicto principle, which has led to dismissals of some big auditor lawsuits in New York, "is alive and well in Florida," said Thomas Tew, a defense lawyer at the law firm Tew Cardenas in Miami.

In cases involving fraud, "I personally believe that it's almost impossible to say that an accounting firm, for instance, should be held liable for audits that were manipulated by crooks," he said.


One complication for trustees is that when they bring a lawsuit, they "step into the shoes of the allegedly wrongdoing corporation," said Michael Young, a partner at Willkie Farr & Gallagher who specializes in accounting-related cases.

"So a trustee lawsuit against an auditor boils down to the contention that the auditor didn't tell the wrongdoing company that it was doing something wrong," Young said.

A key issue will be whether the Taylor Bean trustee can present itself as separate from the company, said Jeffrey Davis, a bankruptcy professor at the University of Florida's law school.

"It may be that the trustee can re-characterize their claim to get around the in pari delicto defense," said Davis. "That's the game that's afoot right now."

The EU's proposal to force the Big Four to split off their consulting business and rotate clients would affect all of the Big Four firms, but would be especially harsh for Deloitte, which just edged ahead of PwC as the biggest of the Big Four on the strength of its consulting revenues.

Deloitte has also been named in other big lawsuits stemming from the credit crisis, including one involving its audits of Bear Stearns, which collapsed after suffering enormous mortgage losses, and another involving Washington Mutual, the biggest bank to fail during the credit crisis.

Deloitte spokesman Gandal said the firm intends to defend the Bear Stearns case vigorously.

"These hindsight claims asserting that the independent auditors should have predicted the dramatic and unprecedented decline in the housing market that shocked the entire industry are meritless and illogical," Gandal said.

The Washington Mutual case has been settled in principle, he said.

(Additional reporting by Jonathan Stempel; Editing by Howard Goller)


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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Blogs Comment On Health Reform Law, Access To Emergency ...

four (1 votes)

Healthcare Prof:

The following summarizes selected women?s health-related blog entries.

~ ?Health Reform: Where Girls Stand To Gain,? Deborah Kotz, U.S. News & Globe Report?s ?On Women?: Kotz writes that she was ?surprised to see women?s reproductive rights groups use words like ?betrayal,? ?onerous,? and ?unacceptable? in reaction to? the passage with the well being reform law (HR 3590). Although there are restrictions on abortion coverage within the law, ?women stand to benefit greatly from health reform in terms of increased maternity coverage, family planning services and lower insurance premiums,? according to Kotz. Planned Parenthood Federation of America Vice President Laurie Rubiner said, ?This can be a net gain,? adding, ?While we?re a defender of abortion rights, we knew we?d have to do a balancing act, and we felt that the three million low-income women we serve could be better off with this legislation.? Kotz notes that the law will prohibit the practice of charging females more than men for insurance ? known as ?gender rating? ? and denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. ?This is a particular boon to girls who have been denied for such ridiculous things as having a previous c-section or being a victim of domestic violence,? Kotz writes. Additionally, insurers will be needed to provide maternity care under their plans by 2014, while provisions guaranteeing preventive services for females ?will go into effect in six months,? Kotz says. Ladies who are breastfeeding will be ?entitled to unpaid ?reasonable break times? throughout the day to pump their milk,? Kotz adds (Kotz, ?On Ladies,? U.S. News & Globe Report, 3/23).

~ ?Back Up Your Birth Control Day of Action: Time to Close the Gap on EC Access,? Kelli Conlin, Huffington Post blogs: In conjunction with the annual Back Up Your Birth Control Day of Action, the National Institute for Reproductive Well being is urging FDA to make emergency contraception ?available without a prescription for consumers of all ages so that all girls can back up their birth control if they need to,? Conlin, president of NIRH and NARAL Pro-Choice New York, writes. Currently, EC is available without a prescription to people ages 17 and older, and by prescription for those younger than 17. However, ?[c]onsidering both the high rates of teen pregnancy and the lack of any medical rationale for age restrictions on EC, it just does not make sense to keep these age restrictions in place,? Conlin writes, noting that a U.S. District Court decision in 2009 urged FDA to reconsider the age restrictions. If FDA were to do so, the ?burdensome? requirement of displaying a government-issued ID to purchase EC ?would be removed,? which would help ?close the gap in timely access for EC? to undocumented immigrants, Conlin says. Furthermore, it is ?vital? that states contain coverage for EC in their Medicaid plans ?so that all females can have equal access? towards the medication, which can cost between $35 and $70 at a pharmacy. ?Those who have worked so hard for reform need to not forget that women?s health and reproductive choice, from access to abortion to access to EC, must be incorporated into the spectrum of changes to be demanded,? Conlin says. She concludes that the ?fight will not be over until all wellness care is accessible and affordable for everyone? (Conlin, Huffington Post blogs, 3/24).

~ ?What?s the Real Story on Emergency Contraception?? Amie Newman, RH Reality Check: Newman writes that a recent review of previous emergency contraception studies ?shows that ladies who keep [EC] on hand are just as likely to become pregnant as those girls who did not receive the medication in advance.? However, she notes, the review also found that ?advanced provision of [EC] does not increase? rates of sexually transmitted infections and does not ?negatively impact sexual or reproductive wellness behaviors.? Based on Chelsea Polis with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Well being, ?The study is saying it?s probably not a good idea to hand out packets of EC to girls in advance as a policy if you?re thinking that alone will increase the likelihood of preventing pregnancy,? but the study also is ?definitely not arguing against making access easier.? Pollis added, ?In short, there is no cause not to enable girls to have access to [EC] as a safe and effective pregnancy prevention option.? Newman concludes that the review ?should be a stepping stone to connect the ways in which we want females to use? EC with ?the ways in which ladies may actually be using? it (Newman, RH Reality Check, 3/26).

~ ?Emergency Contraception: One Year Later, Age Restrictions Remain,? Roxann MtJoy, ?Women?s Rights?: One year ago, ?proponents of reproductive justice got to put a notch inside the ?win? column when a federal court ruled that [FDA] was wrong to put limitations on access to emergency contraceptives? and found that FDA had ?acted in bad faith and in response to political pressure? when designing EC policies, MtJoy writes. She continues that 1 year later ?FDA is still dragging its feet in lifting its unreasonable restrictions on? EC. Although EC is available without a prescription to women ages 17 and older, pharmacies are needed to keep the medication behind the counter, even though FDA scientists have said that there is no medical justification for this policy, in accordance with MtJoy. Consequently, people seeking EC ?have to walk up and ask for it ? as opposed to be[ing] able to discreetly pick it up in an aisle like other? nonprescription drugs, MtJoy writes. Customers who wish to purchase EC also must present government-issued identification, prompting MtJoy to ask, ?Why not just make females wear a scarlet ?EC??? MtJoy exhorts readers to tell ?FDA to end unnecessary age restrictions on? EC (MtJoy, ?Women?s Rights,?, 3/23).

~ ?Stupak Calls Bishops, Antiabortion Groups Hypocrites on HCR,? David Gibson, Politics Daily?s ?Disputations?: ?The war among? antiabortion-rights forces over Democrats? well being reform plans ?is worsening, not easing, inside the wake of the passage with the well being care overhaul,? Gibson writes. He notes that Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) ? the leader of a bloc of antiabortion-rights House Democrats ? called the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and other antiabortion reform opponents ?hypocrites? for not supporting an agreement in which President Obama signed an executive order affirming the bill?s abortion provisions. Stupak noted that USCCB and the National Right to Life Committee supported an executive order then-President George W. Bush signed in 2007 affirming restrictions on embryonic stem cell research, Gibson reports. Stupak said, ?So now President Obama?s going to sign an executive order protecting life and everyone?s condemning it,? adding, ?The hypocrisy is great.? Stupak said he wonders if USCCB and NRLC are ?just using the life issue to try to bring down well being care reform? (Gibson, ?Disputations,? Politics Daily, 3/24).

~ ?Call on Girls To Get the Job Done Right,? Cecile Richards, Huffington Post blogs: Within the wake of well being reform?s passage, ?[t]here is understandable outrage about how abortion was treated in the final bill? (HR 3590), Richards, president with the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, writes. Some observers ?ask why didn?t we yell even louder? or ?overturn the Hyde amendment, which has unfairly prevented poor women from having their health insurance ? Medicaid ? pay for abortion,? she adds. Based on Richards, ?The simple and discouraging truth is that we have an anti-choice House? and ?way too many members of Congress who are opposed to women?s rights and who vote that way every session ? Republicans and Democrats.? However, she adds that the ?women with the House stood like giants? during the abortion debate, especially Democratic Reps. Lois Capps (Calif.), Diana DeGette (Colo.), Rosa DeLauro (Conn.), Jan Schakowsky (Ill.), Nita Lowey (N.Y.) and Louise Slaughter (N.Y.). House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was a ?true heroine for women?s health? and ?put herself inside the way of the anti-choice steamroller? and ?[i]n private and in public, ? vowed that there could be no well being care bill if it included? the antiabortion-rights Stupak amendment. Noting that Planned Parenthood will continue to fight the abortion restrictions in the health reform law, Richards concludes that ?we need girls and men elected to office who will stand up for our wellness and our rights, even when it?s hard? (Richards, Huffington Post blogs, 3/24).

~ ?NPR Changes Abortion Language,? David Sweeney, NPR?s ?NPR Ombudsman?: NPR Managing Editor Sweeney writes that following ?a lively debate inside and outside NPR? over the past week about ?how NPR identifies people who support or oppose abortion,? some with the news organization?s ?top editors got together to review the 2005 policy and decided to no longer use ?pro-choice? or ?pro-life?? in its future news reports. Sweeney adds that a memo he distributed to NPR staffers on Thursday states, ?The updated policy is aimed at ensuring the words we speak and write are as clear, consistent and neutral as possible.? The memo adds, ?On the air, we should use ?abortion-rights supporter(s)/advocate(s)? and ?abortion-rights opponent(s)? or derivations thereof (for example: ?advocates of abortion rights?).? Based on the memo, ?It is acceptable to use the phrase ?antiabortion,? but do not use the term ?pro-abortion rights.?? It continues, ?Do not use ?pro-life? and ?pro-choice? in [text-based stories] except when used within the name of a group. Of course, when the terms are used in an actuality they must remain.? He notes, ?An actuality is actually a clip of tape of someone talking. So if a source uses those terms, NPR will not edit them out? (Sweeney, ?NPR Ombudsman,? NPR, 3/24).

~ ?On DNC Thank-You List, Stupak Noticeably Absent,? Sarah Kliff, Newsweek?s ?The Gaggle?: The ?Democratic National Committee is wasting no time thanking vulnerable members of Congress who stuck with the party? by supporting the passage of wellness reform legislation, Kliff writes, adding that the DNC also is ?going right after Republicans who stood in its way.? Starting on Thursday, ?the Dems are showing 35 television and radio ads to call out or congratulate members of Congress who all seem to have one thing in common: a challenging 2010 election in their future,? Kliff reports. ?Noticeably absent from the list? is Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), ?who arguably played the largest role in clinching the House health care-reform vote,? according to Kliff. She adds, ?While this by no means precludes DNC support for Stupak down the road, something about it feels a little off, especially given the fact that the campaign includes a number of other antiabortion [House] Democrats from the Midwest: Brad Ellsworth (Ind.), Jim Oberstar (Minn.), Steve Driehaus (Ohio) and Joe Donnelly (Ind.).? In accordance with Kliff, ?Stupak might be the one who could use the DNC?s help the most? because NARAL Pro-Choice America and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America have endorsed Stupak?s Democratic challenger ? abortion-rights supporter Connie Saltonstall. ?Meanwhile, antiabortion groups have largely fled the scene,? Kliff writes, noting that the Michigan chapters of National Right to Life ?withdrew their support for [Stupak] earlier this week? (Kliff, ?The Gaggle,? Newsweek, 3/25).

Reprinted with type permission from You are able to view the entire Daily Women?s Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for email delivery here. The Everyday Women?s Well being Policy Report is actually a totally free service with the National Partnership for Women & Families, published by The Advisory Board Company.

? 2010 The Advisory Board Company. All rights reserved.


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What Is Affiliate Marketing? Does It Take Special Skills Or Can ...

Marketing other people?s products online as an affiliate can be one of the most rewarding and lucrative businesses a person can be involved in. This article will explain affiliate marketing to you in detail. By the time you?ve finished reading, I suspect you?re going to be so fired up that you?ll stop asking ?what is affiliate marketing? and start asking ?how the heck can I get started now??

What Is Affiliate Marketing? The Basics

Product vendors including Walmart, Starbucks, Sears, Barnes & Noble, and countless others rely on many things to get their products in the hands of as many consumers as possible. One of these companies? most effective means of doing this is a competent sales force. In the online world, this sales force is known as affiliate marketers. These are folks like you and me who are willing to spread the word about various products and services in exchange for financial compensation.

But it doesn?t stop with giant international companies. You can be an affiliate for a fellow internet marketer. In fact, there are tens of thousands of men and women who create digital products such as eBooks, video courses, membership sites, and software programs who are willing to pay out big bucks to affiliates who send business their way. This presents us with one of the biggest, simplest, and most profitable business opportunities the world has ever known!

Creators of these digital products are generally fully prepared to pay an affiliate over half of the purchase price as a commission. In other words, if their product is currently being sold for $47, you will make a minimum of $23.50 every single time you send them a paying customer! Many products actually sell for well over $100 and many vendors pay up to 75% commission!

But why would a vendor pay you such a high percentage? Well, this is actually the beauty of promoting digital goods. When someone creates an eBook or software package, they don?t have to actually ?create? copies of it. In other words, there is no actual manufacturing process involved.

They can send out unlimited copies, and therefore, they have absolutely no overhead. It?s pure profit. They are willing to pay so much because they want you to work hard for them. It?s all free money to them anyway, and the more affiliates they have working for them, the more money they make. It?s pretty straightforward when you think about it.

Does Affiliate Marketing Take Any Special Skills?

The short answer is yes. Of course, these skills can be learned and you can start earning affiliate revenues right away. The main skills you will need to cultivate are product selection skills, keyword research skills, article writing skills, and some basic HTML skills, among others.

Now don?t let this scare you away. These things are well worth learning. Be aware that affiliate marketing is just like any other skill set in the world in that you?ve got to learn how to do it. Even if you went out and got a job as a dishwasher in a restaurant, there are certain skills you?re going to need to develop. This is really no different.

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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

How To Build Your List | Weight Watchers

There are hundreds if not thousands of ways to make money on the net. Ok, as you may realize people offer either a product or a service. There?s money to be made with advertising your business on other sites or working as an affiliate marketer. You can also create your own products and sell them.

One of the most lucrative ways to market is email marketing. A responsive list is the most ideal list to have, and the size of it doesn?t matter so much as long as it?s responsive. We?ll be discussing some proven email marketing tips to help you in your list building and profit making efforts.|As an internet marketer, you are probably familiar with a variety of methods to make money online. Starting a blog or website and selling either your own products or becoming an affiliate are strategies you are certainly familiar with. You probably even learned about offline marketing for your business. You most definitely learned about selling products and services through e-mail marketing. When you can e-mail people who have signed up to your list, you have a very powerful marketing tool. Of course, getting people to sign up to receive e-mail from you can be kind of a challenge. How to build a list is really one of the most basic and most important skills you can learn. List building does not have to be hard; just take action on some of these tips.|The best strategy for making money on the internet is to have multiple streams of income coming to you.

While you can make money from your website, either by selling ads or your own products, you shouldn?t ignore e-mail marketing either. There is no more powerful technique to make money online than to send e-mails to a list of prospects. This is a list of people who have volunteered to receive offers of products and services from you. These are people who are very likely to buy something from you. Many online marketers make the majority of their income from their e-mail lists.

So how do you build these lists?

If you follow these suggestions, you will soon have a profitable list of your own.|Selling products and services through websites can make you quite a bit of money. Every internet marketer knows this. One way to do this easier is to start up your own e-mail list to market to. E-marketing is responsible for turning numerous internet marketers into the successes they are today. E-mail marketing brings more opportunities and money to marketers who are willing to give it a try. E-mail marketing is so effective because you once you have a subscriber?s email address you have created a two-way line of communication that you can now use to establish a relationship. Next, we are going to review some of the basic list building methods.|Most successful internet marketers admit that they would?ve built a list first when asked the question: what would you do differently if you had a chance to start over with the same knowledge that you have now? If you are an e-mail marketer you can do things that people who don?t build lists cannot do ? build a relationship with your readers ? people will buy from you before they will by from a site full of links because you have gained their trust. You can just sit around and look at the success of others who have large lists. But are you going to do something with the info. How do internet marketers build the lists that they need? Where do the e-mail addresses come from? Continue reading to discover some of the finer points of building your very own list.

You never want to bore your readers, or present them with stale content ? plus, make sure you write them well. Avoid too many typos or other format errors. There?s really no need to be rushed when you write, so avoid it because your editing skills will be further challenged. Readers generally don?t react well from too many emails like that, and they may start leaving your list. A well-written and relevant email will be read, and you never know it may get forwarded to a friend. When your subscribers forward your e-mails to others you have more chances to make sales (and build your list)!|If you want to be sure that people see the opt-in form on your website, have it jump out at them as a pop-up window. This is a technique to make registering for your list the very first thing they do when they get to your website. You goal, after all, is to capture e-mail addresses, and pop-up windows can help you do this. When told to enter their e-mail address, many people will simply obey, if only to make the pop-up window vanish.

Not everyone appreciates pop-up windows, though; some people, in fact, just plain hate them. Not only won?t you get the e-mail addresses of people like this, but they will tend to simply click away from your site when they see a pop-up. So use the pop up option with care!|You may have heard that all you have to do to acquire a huge e-mail list is to simply buy e-mail addresses from someone. Don?t fall for this! In fact, never allow anyone to sell you e-mail addresses. If you buy such a list and use it, you are only going to get yourself labeled as a spammer. Why would someone who isn?t a spammer be selling a list of e-mail addresses? In fact, one of the things people look for before signing up for a list is the disclaimer that reads ?I will not sell or share your e-mail address.? It bears repeating: do not ever buy e-mail addresses to build your list. This will only cause you problems.|Collecting emails of your customers one of the best methods for list building. When a buyer purchases a product make it necessary for them to have to enter a valid email address before your product is allowed to be delivered to them. This is one of the easiest ways to get people to sign up for your list and it can even be done when you sell products and services offline! This is no different than the cashier asking you for your email address when you purchase something from your favorite store. Offline marketing works the same online.|You will need a sign-up form on your site that asks for your visitor?s email. You can easily do this with a widget. Widgets are for blog based sites so if they don?t fit your needs then there are other programs and code to choose among. If you have a site that people like to read then it will be easy to get people on your list. There is nothing to it but placing your form in a place that it is easily accessible. And if you build a good reputation in your niche then your list can come to the point where it grows automatically. Do some article marketing. Drive optins by linking your landing page to your ariticles. If people like your articles, there?s an excellent chance they?ll click through and become a subscriber. The process is this? your articles send readers to your landing pages which compels them to sign-up to your mailing list. If your articles get the job done, you can send people to a content site, landing page, etc.|

Publish a newsletter. People want to feel they are getting something free if they are going to sign up for a list. A newsletter is one of the best free things you can offer people. The newsletter should provide information that is separate from the information you provide on your website or blog.

If your newsletter becomes popular enough you could even charge a small fee to subscribe to your newsletter, which will bring in extra income. Just be sure that your newsletter subscribers understand that you may also send them promotional material apart from the newsletter, such as e-mails with various offers or promotions.|

Make it really easy for people to give you their e-mail addresses. Put the opt in form in a prime location on your website. It should not be hidden by other details or information. Put it on every single page of every website that you run. The more complicated it is to sign up for your mailing list, the more likely it is people will click away before doing it. If you make it easy, however, you will probably end up with more e-mail addresses than you know what to do with!|

Use offline opportunities to build your list. The best place for offline list building is networking event where people came to meet others who are active in their niche. Just be sure to take forms for them to complete that asks for their names and email. Better yet, you can complete the forms for them if they want to become a subscriber. For some reason, most internet marketers don?t like to market offline so this can potentially bring you a fair share of success because everyone isn?t doing it. People will be receptive because they are there for more information and contacts so all there is left for you to do is to let them know that your list offers the answers to a lot of their questions and will provides information that they would have a hard time getting from traditional sources. Viola! This is definitely one technique not to ignore.|You can give a new reader a gift in exchange for their email. Actually, this is the most effective way of getting new members on your mailing list. Many marketer give away an e-book; others allow you to download software. You would be surprised at how often people will give away their e-mail addresses to get something for free. Offering coupons for your existing products also works well. Those are also very popular.

Avoid too many emails to frequently. Too many emails to your list will only encourage them to begin unsubscribing. Determine a good email frequency and stick to that, if you have a good relationship they will buy from you. People will naturally begin gravitating toward you and they?ll start signing up to your list.|You can publicize your site, which contains your opt-in form, by posting in forums and using your link in the signature. Forums are a good way to expand your online network and make yourself known. It?s important to use forums in the right way, not by making spammy comments just to get your signature inserted, but by participating in a friendly and useful way. This will mean more people visiting your site, and some of them will sign up for your list! This can also create other ways for you to make money as well; others may want you to write articles for them or maybe create blogs, depending on what your skills are.|If you want to create a list fast, do some advertising! You can advertise your website or newsletter, perhaps with some incentive like a free gift. Find places to advertise where people who are likely to be interested in your offer are likely to go, such as blogs and websites in your niche or classified ads in offline publications.

If you advertise in the right places, this can be a great way to get lots of subscribers. Advertising is also a completely honest way to build your list, as you are telling people exactly what you have to offer.|Those ?forward this t your friends? buttons that you see in emails can possibly make yours reach thousands of extra people. Obviously, this will enable the recipients to send it to others if they find it interesting. If the recipients of your email find it to their liking then they will be very tempted to sign up to your list.|Ask the people for whom you already have e-mail addresses! This an easy way of getting the first subscribers to your list. For people who are already involved in internet marketing for a while then you probably already know people who you have helped out in the past that would be happy to sign-up to your list. A courteous email inviting them to join your list will be well received by the majority of them. Each person that responds is a new subscriber for your list. You?ll find that email marketing can be very lucrative for you. You?ll only be selling products and services for various offers. If you do this right it can be extremely targeted marketing and much more than any other kind. So if you want to go for it all, then start building your list asap.|

There are actually many different strategies that can help you build a large e-mail list. Be creative and original in your list building efforts and you will come up with some great ideas of your own! Think of your list as something you have to publicize and promote, just as you would an affiliate site or product.

Don?t expect your list to build itself; it does require some work and time to get it off the ground. Once that list is built, however, it can be a profit goldmine!|

A list is one of the surest ways to be able to sell something to a large group of people quickly. Your list is a personalized set of people who have responded to your specific offer to send them information. Rather than marketing to random people, you are focusing on those who actually want what you are selling. Most advertising is annoying or intrusive, but a list is sent to people who gave you permission to send them your offers. Your e-mail list is an expanding group of customers who are targeted towards your products!|

E-mail marketing should be the cornerstone of any online business. People on your list will continue to buy from you from years to come as long as you provide value and stay honest. You too can have hundreds or thousands of people lined up waiting for you to send out an email that contains a pitch for your new product.

And with the right knowledge this isn?t difficult. There are tested methods that are proven to produce a positive outcome but you can also create and test your own techniques if you are up to it. Remember, always make it as easy for people to find your list and then sign-up to it.|List building is the foundation of many successful online businesses. Your audience is made up of people who are waiting to hear from you and who are open to the idea of buying things from you. If you keep at it and only sell quality products you could wind up with a list full of people who will buy anything you offer them simply because you are the person offering it. The time that it takes to build your list can be reduced with the right information. On the other hand, if you get your hands on some techniques that then you can have your own list of large buyers.

Article Source: linkbuilding firm


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Monday, 26 September 2011

Calif. grocery workers OK deal; strike averted

Grocery workers count ballots at the union headquarters in Buena Park, Calif., Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011. Southern California shoppers should soon learn whether grocery stores will remain open as another wave of supermarket employees votes on a deal to stave off a strike. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Grocery workers count ballots at the union headquarters in Buena Park, Calif., Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011. Southern California shoppers should soon learn whether grocery stores will remain open as another wave of supermarket employees votes on a deal to stave off a strike. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Grocery workers count ballots at the union headquarters in Buena Park, Calif., Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011. Southern California shoppers should soon learn whether grocery stores will remain open as another wave of supermarket employees votes on a deal to stave off a strike. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Grocery worker Stephanie Kleinerman, of Fullerton, Calif., reads the new contract after casting her vote at the union headquarters in Buena Park, Calif., Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011. Southern California shoppers should soon learn whether grocery stores will remain open as another wave of supermarket employees votes on a deal to stave off a strike. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

A grocery worker casts her vote at the union headquarters in Buena Park, Calif., Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011. Southern California shoppers should soon learn whether grocery stores will remain open as another wave of supermarket employees votes on a deal to stave off a strike. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

(AP) ? After eight months of contract-wrangling and negotiations that dragged past a strike deadline, supermarket workers in Southern California will stay on the job and shoppers won't have to rely on Whole Foods or their corner liquor store for groceries.

Members of the region's United Food and Commercial Workers voted to ratify a new contract with three major grocery chains, union local spokeswoman Ellen Anreder said, averting a strike of more than 60,000 workers that could have crippled the industry and left shoppers scrambling.

United Food and Commercial Workers local spokeswoman Ellen Anreder said Saturday that after two days of voting, members agreed to a deal struck Monday with Vons, Ralphs and Albertsons. Exact vote totals were not released.

"We're all very grateful to our customers for their support over this eight-month process, and are very grateful that we can continue to serve them," a tired-but-relieved Anreder said after the vote.

Union officials had urged their rank-and-file to ratify the contract, which they said addressed concerns about funding for the employees' health plan, the main sticking point during months of negotiations.

"This package protects our members' access to affordable comprehensive health care for themselves and their families," the union said in a statement. "That was our top priority throughout the negotiating process."

The supermarkets, meanwhile, said after agreeing to the deal that it would allow them to remain competitive. Messages left for grocery representatives after the vote were not immediately returned.

Details of the agreement were made available to members for the first time as they filed into their union locals' headquarters or other voting locations to cast their ballots on Friday and Saturday.

"There was a sense of relief when people had an opportunity to really look over the new contract and see what was in it," Ralphs clerk and union member Mario Frias said.

The deal ended months of sometimes testy discussions between union officials and representatives of The Vons Cos.; Ralphs Grocery Co., a subsidiary of The Kroger Co.; and Albertsons, which is owned by Supervalu Inc.

The three-year contract affects about 62,000 workers from central California to the borders of Mexico and Arizona.

Ralphs had indicated it would initially close all 250 of its stores if there had been a strike; Albertsons had said it could shutter up to 100 locations, while Vons had said its stores would remain open.

The prospect of shuttered stores and tense picket lines brought fears of a repeat of the four-month strike in 2004 that cost the industry $2 billion and created a mess for shoppers. This time around, with unemployment at 12.1 percent in California, workers evidently feared that they would find little public sympathy if they voluntarily walked off the job.

The market chains, meanwhile, were likely reluctant to invite shutdowns and picket lines that might alienate shoppers already spending less due to the economic downturn.

Union leaders and the markets announced in July that they had reached a tentative agreement on the employers' contributions to pension benefits, but remained far apart on payments to the union health care trust fund.

Union members voted overwhelmingly last month to authorize their leaders to call a strike. Those leaders said they were responding to what they characterized as the chains' delaying tactics when they issued the required 72-hour notice Thursday evening to cancel the contract extension under which they had been working since March.

But after the Sunday evening deadline passed with neither a strike nor a deal, store employees returned to work. Union officials announced Monday that the tentative deal had been reached.


Associated Press writers Christopher Weber and Jacob Adelman contributed to this story.

Associated Press


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What's The Best Video Games Console?

Video game consoles have come a long way in the past few years. The days of tapping a few buttons on a remote are over. Today?s consoles are high tech media devices that allow gamers to interact with friends, download games and content and manoeuvre avatars with the flick of a wrist. Not all game consoles are created equal. Here?s a look at the best video game consoles on the market today.

PlayStation 3 is a great choice for serious gamers. The system offers a high definition gaming experience, which makes the graphics really pop on the television. The controls are intuitive and closely mimic the control system of the PlayStation 2 and Sony PSP. Each PlayStation comes with a built-in DVD player, so the system can be used to watch movies as well as to play video games. There are a variety of add ons available for the PlayStation 3, including the PlayStation Network, which provides live multi player gaming and the PlayStation Move, a motion sensor controller that allows you to play without a wired remote. The new PlayStation 3 Slim offers a lower price point, slimmer console, lower energy use, Blu-Ray DVD player and quieter operation.

Serious gamers also enjoy the Microsoft XBOX 360 console. Just like the PlayStation, XBOX features high-definition graphics, DVD playback and an intuitive handheld remote. The XBOX Live service allows users to play against each other online and to download additional content such as game demos and TV shows. Recently, Microsoft released the XBOX 360 Slim, which contains a quieter hard drive and sleeker design. There are several XBOX 360 accessories on the market. The newest accessory is the Kinect, which allows gamers to play via a motion control camera without using a remote.

The current winner in the console war is the Nintendo Wii. Nintendo Wii has sold more consoles than the PlayStation 3 or XBOX 360 and has opened gaming to a new generation of more casual gamers. The Wii features a motion-controlled handheld remote that allows gamers to control the screen with a combination of buttons and hand movements. Although the graphics on the Wii are not as strong as the PlayStation or XBOX and the Wii does not come with DVD playback, many gamers find that the motion-controlled game play makes the console well worth the investment.

Ultimately, each consumer must choose the console that best fits his or her gaming habits. Serious gamers tend to choose the PlayStation or XBOX, while casual gamers tend to pick the Wii, but there are many exceptions to this rule. Although the consoles differ slightly, advancements in technology have greatly improved the gaming experience on all console systems.


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    Sunday, 25 September 2011

    Instant view: G20 pledges financial stability but few signs of (Reuters)

    Finance officials from the Group of 20 nations on Thursday pledged to preserve financial stability and said central banks were ready to provide liquidity as needed, but a communique after the meeting offered few hints of fresh action to contain Europe's raging debt crisis or revive the faltering global economy.

    "We commit to take all necessary actions to preserve the stability of banking systems and financial markets as required," the G20 officials said in a communique after a dinner meeting to discuss the European crisis.

    Financial markets were little fazed by the G20 statement after plunging overnight on fears of another global recession and disappointment that European officials have been unable to come up with a coordinated game plan to arrest the euro zone's debt mess.



    "The G20 communiqu? fell short of prescribing the exact medication to address the underlying ills faced by the euro zone members and heightened volatility in the global financial markets at present.

    "Assurances were aplenty to preserve the stability of banking systems and financial markets, along with efforts to allay frayed nerves that banks were adequately capitalized and had access the sufficient funding.

    "The statements might offer some sense of calm to regional bourses for the immediate term, though we expect the optimism to wear off soon as focus shifts yet again to realities on the ground: Greece's ability to receive the bailout funds alongside containing contagion debt risks out of the euro zone. In light of underlying political and economic differences, it's probably each one for their own."


    "Monetary conditions in the U.S., the euro zone and Japan are too tight, and if they were to ease them, that would quell the panic immediately. The Swiss National Bank two or three weeks ago showed the way - they devalued the currency. But obviously it's difficult for all of them to do collectively unless they devalue against gold or some commodity baskets, something like that.

    "Apart from making comforting sounds about the global economy and their commitment to stability, the other measures that would have to be taken to improve the situation are politically very difficult and beyond the reach of this group at least in the short run."


    "Whether such statements can achieve the desired effect (bolstering confidence and calming markets) is worth questioning. First of all, there are no concrete steps along with these words.

    "In addition, countries often start to point at each other over policy issues, like exchange rate issues, at international meetings when economic growth is weak.

    "So, the market will remain nervous about growth prospects and negative implications for the financial system."


    "The bottomline is they need to follow up with action. Until markets see coordinated action, they're not going to get a lot more confident.

    "We need to see concrete action involving coordinated monetary policy easing globally and a massive increase in the firing power of the EFSF or the ECB to buy bonds in indebted European countries. Without any hard action, investors will quickly see through it and it won't provide any help."


    "G20 typically doesn't have concrete actions. It does not allay fears. After the Fed announcement we may see a USD structural move, which means global risk aversion has reached a new threshold. Asian currencies will fall more as we still have uncertainty from the euro zone. Until the euro zone comes out with some form of actionable plan to allay fears and there are signs of a U.S. economic turnaround this will go on, probably until 4Q 2011."


    "None of the headlines have been that inspiring so far, we still feel the risk is that the market is left disappointed. USD/Asia should continue to push higher in our view.

    "The communiqu? lacks these: 1) rhetoric: statements that they stand ready if FX gets too disorderly; 2) BRICs create a small fund to buy EU debt; 3) ECB relaunches unlimited one-year refinancing operations; 4) more cuts in collateral requirements for use within euro system; 5) the USD three-month funding could be expanded to include all the G20, not just the G7; 6) G7 central banks might agree to eliminate the 100 basis point charge over IOS for three-month USD funds.

    "These were some of things that have been talked about or rumored, etc. but we haven't heard any of these being implemented. My advice is to buy USD/Asia on dips, with the Korean won and Indonesian rupiah still at risk of foreign investor outflows."


    "It is a clear disappointment to those looking for the G20 to take action to combat the recent market and economic strains. I wouldn't be surprised to see the slight bounce we have seen in the euro and other risky assets this morning start to unwind.

    "There was some expectation in the market that they would signal concrete action or immediate coordinated steps but the language of their statement sticks very much to what we've heard from them in the past and does not suggest that there is anything new on the policy front in store.

    "They are reaffirming their commitment to earlier policy decisions but the fact of the matter is both major and emerging market countries have less policy flexibility at this stage."


    "This is the same old menu. It supplies some confidence at least for the next few hours. The sense I am getting is that there is some agreement among the group but rather than take any singular mechanism to reinstate stability, each of them will do their own part. We will have to see what the IMF and the World Bank says but these comments are nothing new."


    - World leaders and finance chiefs pushed Europe this week to quell its debt crisis before it spreads further and threatens a systemic banking crisis that could damage the global economy.

    - Fears that the U.S. economy may be tipping back into recession also have heightened worries about the global economy. Private sector business activity in Europe and China declined sharply this month, and new claims for U.S. jobless benefits remained high.

    - As finance ministers and central bankers gathered for talks in Washington amid growing concern about sharply slowing growth and plunging stock markets, the leaders of the seven major economies stressed the need to contain the euro zone crisis, but no fresh, concrete plans have been announced.

    - Separately, officials from the so-called BRICS countries, including heavyweights China, Brazil and India, said they would consider giving more funds to the International Monetary Fund to boost global stability.

    But India issued a reminder that developing countries were not in a position to bail out richer economies.

    - An internal IMF staff report obtained by Reuters last week showed that the fund could comfortably lend out another $390 billion without endangering its balance sheet. But in a worst-case scenario, it may face demands for $840 billion.

    - World stocks plunged on Thursday and extended losses on Friday as investors worried about the grim global growth outlook, including data pointing to a slowdown in China, one of the world's key economic engines.

    - The U.S. Federal Reserve on Wednesday ramped up its aid to the beleaguered U.S. economy, launching an effort to put more downward pressure on long-term interest rates and increase its support for housing.

    It warned of "significant" downside economic risks, triggering a fresh round of financial market turmoil as investors dumped riskier assets and looked for safe havens such as gold.


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    Children of missing Utah mom's in state custody (AP)

    TACOMA, Wash. ? For now, the two young sons of a missing Utah woman are living with strangers.

    They are in state custody as the paternal grandfather they lived with in Washington state sits in jail, accused of possessing child pornography and secretly videotaping their mother, other women and naked neighbor girls.

    Now, the family of the boys' mother, Susan Powell, who has been missing since 2009, is for the first time publicly accusing their father of being involved in her disappearance. On Friday, they asked, for the first time, to get immediate custody of the boys, ages 4 and 6.

    "The time has come where we have to stop playing cat and mouse games: Josh Powell had something to do with the disappearance," said Steve Downing, the family's lawyer, at a custody hearing Friday.

    In response, Josh Powell said: "Everything they said is patently false. I am a good father to my sons."

    A judge will decide custody after the child welfare agency has time to consider where the boys should be placed.

    The two sets of in-laws have been arguing publicly for months, both on sidewalks and in the courts, as investigators have gone from abandoned mines of central Nevada to the remote desert of western Utah looking for clues. Things got so heated last month that a judge ordered Josh Powell and Susan Powell's father to keep 500 feet apart.

    All of it exploded Friday, a day after Steven Powell, 61, was arrested and accused of secretly videotaping Susan Powell, other women, and young girls taking baths and sitting on the toilet next door. Susan Powell has been clothed in all of the footage detectives have reviewed so far, but they had seen only 5 to 10 percent of the videos, prosecutor Mark Lindquist said.

    Josh Powell and his sons have been living at Steven Powell's house in Puyallup, Wash.

    Steven Powell pleaded not guilty at a hearing on Friday. Utah police said the arrest was unrelated to the missing person case. The judge set bail at $200,000 and ordered him not to have contact with the boys.

    The charges also resulted in Steven Powell being terminated from his job with Washington state's Corrections Department where he had worked since 2006, agency spokesman Chad Lewis said Friday.

    After the hearing, Denise Cox, Susan Powell's older sister, said she was worried that Steven Powell would easily post bail. She said her sister had been concerned when he made sexual advances. Cox said she believes both son and father were involved in the disappearance.

    "I'm just hoping for the day that hopefully Josh will join him," she said.

    Josh Powell has been the only named person of interest in the case, but police have not charged him with any crime.

    "It's been a long wait and it gets harder every day," she said, as she cried in front of a throng of reporters and TV news cameras.

    A Washington state judge issued a permanent injunction Friday barring Josh Powell and his father from further publishing journal pages Susan Powell wrote as a teenager. They claimed the entries depicted a troubled woman. Her family has been fighting their release, saying they were the personal writings of a young girl and had no bearing on her disappearance.

    Washington prosecutors said Steven Powell is charged with child pornography possession and 14 felony counts of voyeurism.

    They said Utah police investigating Susan Powell's disappearance found "thousands of images of females being videotaped without their knowledge, including Susan Powell," on tapes and disks at his home in an Aug. 25 search.

    The videos were found in Steven Powell's bedroom. Prosecutors said the images were of women's buttocks and breasts and included minors. The images included shots of two girls who were as young as 8 and 10 years old at the time, authorities said. They determined that the girls lived near Steven Powell from June 2006 to August 2007.

    At Powell's arraignment, prosecutor Grant Blinn said detectives are still going through the seized items, but so far have found more than 1,000 video files. He said it appeared he had been secretly videotaping girls or women for at least 10 years.

    "It very clearly shows her concerns were just about Steven Powell," Susan Powell's father, Chuck Cox, said.

    Before the hearing, Josh Powell sat at the back of the small courtroom. He was dressed casually and wore his wedding ring. Powell flipped through a thick stack of legal documents. When asked if he had anything to say about his father's arrest, he said, "No."

    Josh Powell claims he took the couple's two sons ? then ages 4 and 2 ? on a midnight camping trip in the mountains west of Salt Lake City on Dec. 6, 2009, the night before she was reported missing.

    Authorities wrapped up their 12-day search of the desert Friday about 30 miles from where Josh Powell said he went camping that night. At one point, they said they found a "shallow grave" after cadaver dogs alerted them to the spot. But they found no human remains. Charred wood chips discovered in the hole have been sent to a lab for testing.

    The search of the Powells' home in Puyallup, Wash., last month came after police wrapped up a search for evidence in a network of abandoned mines outside Ely, Nev.

    Around that time in August, Josh Powell and his father went on national television to discuss the case. They claimed Susan Powell was promiscuous, emotionally unstable and suicidal, a claim her family denies. Steven Powell said he had a flirtatious relationship with his daughter-in-law and believed they were in love. Susan Powell's father, denied the allegations, and said it was Steven Powell who initiated unwanted sexual advances.

    For now, Susan Powell's family is worried about her sons. They have not been allowed to see them since mid-July.

    "We're very concerned for the welfare of our grandchildren. We're doing everything we can," Chuck Cox said after the custody hearing.


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    Saturday, 24 September 2011

    UK Muslims hold rally against extremism

    Representatives from various religions are seated on the stage during an Islamic peace conferencen in London, Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011. The conference attended by thousands of British and European Muslims is aimed at tackling extremists and promoting peace, tolerance and community cohesion in wake of recent riots and 9/11 anniversary. (AP Photo/Akira Suemori)

    Representatives from various religions are seated on the stage during an Islamic peace conferencen in London, Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011. The conference attended by thousands of British and European Muslims is aimed at tackling extremists and promoting peace, tolerance and community cohesion in wake of recent riots and 9/11 anniversary. (AP Photo/Akira Suemori)

    Islamic scholar Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri looks on as he is seated during an Islamic peace conference in London, Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011. The conference attended by thousands of British and European Muslims is aimed at tackling extremists and promoting peace, tolerance and community cohesion in wake of recent riots and 9/11 anniversary. (AP Photo/Akira Suemori)

    (AP) ? Thousands of Muslims held a rally in London on Saturday to fight extremism and promote a moderate, inclusive version of Islam.

    The event in Wembley arena was led by Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, a respected Pakistan-born Islamic scholar, who gained recognition outside the Muslim world after he published a detailed fatwa ? or religious ruling ? against terrorism and suicide bombings last year.

    "I want to address those who are lost, who have a total misconception of jihad ? I want to send them a message ? come back to normal life. Whatever you're doing is totally against Islam," he told the audience, which included families with young children and students.

    Some Islamic scholars, including Tahir-ul-Qadri, have warned that a power vacuum in North Africa and the Middle East could lead to militant and extremist groups gaining ground in upcoming elections caused by the so-called Arab Spring.

    "If these elements come into power, it will be a big disaster," Tahir-ul-Qadri told The Associated Press.

    He said his message is primarily aimed at people who are on the edge of being radicalized ? not those who had already been "brainwashed."

    Tahir-ul-Qadri's organization, Minhaj-ul-Quran International, said the event was attended by some 12,000 people and was broadcast to several countries.

    Members of the audience told the AP there is no easy way to persuade terrorist groups such as al-Qaida to give up violence.

    "People are looking for a cause, and the path of violence is the easiest one to take," said Memoona Naushahi, a 20-year-old university student from Bradford in northern England. The message of the conference "may reach only people who want to hear it," she added.

    But Naushahi and others participants said that promoting a uniting voice such as Tahir-ul-Qadri's is a step in the right direction and can spread the right message.

    Britain has been involved in some large international terror plots. On July 7, 2005, four suicide bombers killed 52 people in synchronized attacks on London's subway system.

    The men behind the 2006 trans-Atlantic liquid bomb plot began their plan in Britain. A Nigerian man who tried to smuggle explosives onto a plane in his underwear studied in London.


    Paisley Dodds contributed to this report from London.

    Associated Press


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    US walks out as Iran delivers anti-US speech (AP)

    UNITED NATIONS ? American diplomats led a walkout at the U.N. General Assembly Thursday as Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad issued a sweeping attack on the United States and major West European nations, calling them "arrogant powers" ruled by greed and eager for military adventurism.

    The two U.S. diplomats, who specialize in the Middle East, were followed out of the chamber by diplomats from more than 30 countries. They included the 27 European Union members, Australia, New Zealand, Somalia, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and Macedonia, a U.N. diplomat said.

    Ahmadinejad's speech contrasted what he called the poverty and unhappiness in most countries against the riches and power of the U.S. and unnamed European nations that he accused of perpetuating wars, causing the current global economic crisis and infringing on "the rights and sovereignty of nations."

    He attacked the United States and European colonial powers for abducting tens of millions of Africans and making them slaves, for their readiness "to drop thousands of bombs on other countries," and for dominating the U.N. Security Council He singled out the U.S. for using a nuclear bomb against Japan in World War II and imposing and supporting military dictatorships and totalitarian regimes in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

    "It is as lucid as daylight that the same slave masters and colonial powers that once instigated the two world wars have caused widespread misery and disorder with far-reaching effects across the globe since then," Ahmadinejad said. "Do these arrogant powers really have the competence and ability to run or govern the world?"

    The Iranian president answered by calling for "the shared and collective management of the world in order to put an end to the present disorders, tyranny and discriminations worldwide."

    Ahmadinejad made no mention of his disputed re-election in June 2009 when Iranian security forces systematically crushed opposition protests, the current internal political turmoil that has sharply diminished his power, or Iran's nuclear program which the U.S. and its allies believe is aimed at producing nuclear weapons.

    "While President Ahmadinejad is lecturing the world from the U.N. podium," Human Rights Watch's U.N. Director Philippe Bolopion said, "dissent is still being crushed ruthlessly in Iran and basic rights demanded by millions in the Arab world are brutally denied to Iranians who are demanding the same."

    "The world assembly should take with a grain of salt the remarks of a leader who said nothing about the public hanging yesterday of a 17-year-old in his own country," he said.

    In his speech, Ahmadinejad noted "the widespread awakening in Islamic lands ... (in) the pursuit of the realization of justice, freedom and the creation of a better tomorrow." He said "our great nation stands ready to join hands with other nations to march on this beautiful path."

    The Iranian leader accused the U.S. of threatening to place sanctions on anyone who questions the Holocaust and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against the United States with sanctions and military action.

    Without naming the United States, he asked: "Who imposed, through deceits and hypocrisy, the Zionism and over 60 years of war, homelessness, terror and mass murder on the Palestinian people and on countries in the region?"

    Ahmadinejad accused some unidentified European countries of still using the Holocaust "as the excuse to pay fine or ransom to the Zionists." He also said any question about the foundation of Zionism is condemned by the U.S. "as an unforgivable sin."

    Mark Kornblau, spokesman for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, said: "Mr. Ahmadinejad had a chance to address his own people's aspirations for freedom and dignity, but instead he again turned to abhorrent anti-Semitic slurs and despicable conspiracy theories."

    When the idea of an independent fact-finding investigation of "the hidden elements" involved in the Sept. 11 attacks was raised last year, he said, "my country and myself came under pressure and threat by the government of the United States."

    "Instead of assigning a fact-finding team, they killed the main perpetrator and threw his body into the sea," Ahmadinejad said, referring to the U.S. military's killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in early May.

    "Would it not have been reasonable to bring to justice and openly to trial the main perpetrator of the incident in order to identify the elements behind the safe space provided for the invading aircraft to attack the twin world trade towers?," he asked.


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    Food and Drink ? Minkyweasel World

    Posted by Shirley Anne on September 22, 2011

    Full course dinner

    Image via Wikipedia

    Some people say that I have some strange eating and drinking tastes. According to them my habits are a bit weird but it?s all down to personal taste. I stumble across things by experimenting. Many years ago now a friend and I were drinking at a bar. I was drinking cider and she diet or normal cola, I can?t remember which. Not watching what she was doing she poured the cola into my drink but rather than throw it away I tasted it and liked it so much I ordered a cola and cider and mixed them 50% equal measures. Later I discovered that the cola would actually sit on top of the cider if poured slowly. The resulting effect is startling and when drunk it starts off tasting sweet and gradually the cider can be tasted until almost all of it is just cider. A bit of a novelty which I still enjoy today, if the bar staff have the time to pour the cola slowly but now I? only add?diet cola. That original discovery led to two more concoctions, diet cola with Red Bull and cider with Red Bull all in the same proportions as before and all with their own distinctive taste. Now here is a really odd thing. Many people drink ?spritzers? which is white wine mixed with soda water or lemonade but there isn?t, or wasn?t a similar drink using red wine. One day a couple of years ago I had a diet cola as an initial drink at the dining table but ordered red wine?to accompany?my main dish. When the main dish had been eaten and I had almost drunk what was left of the red wine I took a sip of cola. Because I still had the taste of red wine on my palette it mixed with the cola and a new drink was born! I poured a small amount of cola in the remains of the red wine in the glass and tasted it. I was amazed that it tasted so good. Nowadays, when I dine out, or as I did on Monday evening in the pub, I buy both cola and red wine and when I am tired of drinking the wine by itself I mix the two together. People think I am mad but it is all a matter of taste.

    As for food, I tend to experiment at home with what I have in the refrigerator or larder. I try different things to see if they go well together before including them in a dish together, just as I would with drinks. Many things can be put in an omelette and I often have more than one of these, peas, sweetcorn, mushrooms, onion, tomato, potato, almost anything that tastes well with eggs. Then I lay the omelette?on a bed of cold lettuce and it tastes delicious. I mix fried chopped onions with baked beans, put black pepper and herbs in with cabbage when cooking it (the water is a nice savoury drink). ?Stews can have lots of strange things in them when I cook them here?s one I cooked a few days ago containing, fried onion, garlic, capsicum, minced beef (could be any meat), water, peas, sweetcorn, carrots, mixed herbs, beef stock cube, vegetable stock cube, paprika, ground black pepper, salt, sage and onion stuffing mix, gravy browning, sunflower oil (cooking the onion and meat). A dash of malt vinegar was put on the dish when served in a bowl. It all sounds a bit too much but the taste is worth the effort and it really isn?t an effort, taking only twenty minutes from start to finish. I get bored eating the same old dishes all the time and that is why I experiment. Variety is the spice of life they say.

    Shirley Anne

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