Tuesday, 19 June 2012

iRobot Roomba 790 Sports a New Look and Wireless Remote

screenshot 395 435x508 iRobot Roomba 790 Sports a New Look and Wireless Remote

The Roomba is getting an upgrade from the 780 to the 790, and with those extra ten points comes at least one pretty nice new feature ? a wireless command center you can use to boss around your new robot servant from anywhere in the home.

The faceplate is also getting a new look ? a deep blue paint job ? but the big upgrade is that wireless command center. You can use it to issue commands from anywhere in the home, including steering. You can send the Roomba back to its dock or initiate a cleaning with one button press, or set the clock on the Roomba and schedule a cleaning for later. Using the steering function, you can guide the Roomba to an especially dirty spot, then activate a spot cleaning.

The Roomba 790 is also heavy on accessories. Included with the 790 are two virtual wall lighthouses to set up virtual boundaries for your Roomba. You?ll also get side brushes, beater brushes, and a bristle brush, along with brush cleaning tools. Two sets of two HEPA filters should keep things running cleanly around the house. All that is on top of the docking station and the new wireless command center also included.

The new iRobot Roomba 790 can start cruising around your house very soon ? ?it goes on sale today from iRobot.com for about $700.

screenshot 394 350x149 iRobot Roomba 790 Sports a New Look and Wireless Remote

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